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Jean-Pierre Van
Loocke wishes you a warm welcome |
Salsa: 407 Photo reports + 408 videos: |
pictures and videos tango (1971 reports) |
9 editions of
Tangopostale |
pictures and videos Bruges (458
photo reports + 206 videos) |
No music in the background Because this is a non commercial website with the
main purpose of sharing my videos freely with everyone, I left out the music. I have to do this, because
otherwise I’d have to pay for the music rights. You prefer not to be in the picture? Should anyone not want to be seen in a video or on a
picture, they may always let me know. In that case I will immediately leave
out the photo or video passage. This website is made to make people glad, to
strenghten the ties between all those who dance salsa/tango/… and to share my
film and photo material with all of you. Kind regards JP |